Advertise on Hotel Guest Discount Cards
$1.3 trillion is spent on
direct and indirect travel expenses annually.
One of the best ways to reach this
dynamic "On-The-Go" consumer group is upon check-in at their hotel and display advertising!
It's a simple fact that people traveling on business or pleasure spend
lots of money during their hotel stay. They spend it on restaurants, shopping, recreation and services they may want
or need during their stay.
Dining out for example. It's not will the guests dine
out; it's WHERE will the guests dine out.
When people check
into a hotel, front desk managers will tell you that the first questions most guests ask are. "Where is a good place
to eat?". And, of course, guests ask about shopping, services they need and things to see and do.
As you can imagine, the local business people in town would be very interested in an effective way to
get those hotel guests to come and spend their money with them and not their competitors.
With Your Exclusive Listing
Our Hotel Guest Discount Card allows local businesspeople
to do just that!
NDC is contracted with
thousands of hotels nationwide.
YES! You can afford to Advertise!
For as little
as.02 cents per card
For more information
1-800-581-6422 or email